Author Archives: Kyle Dugan EA CAA

The Critical Importance of Adjusting Your W-4 Before Year-End

As the year draws to a close, I want to bring your attention to an often-overlooked tax strategy that could significantly impact your financial standing: adjusting your W-4 withholding. Life doesn’t remain static, and neither should your tax strategy. Now, … Read More

December’s Amusing Tax Convictions

Just to be fair, we don’t usually see a lot of juicy stuff from Hawaii, but this month, we’ve finally got something! A federal grand jury in Honolulu returned an indictment charging Heidi Cafirma, of Waipahu, with filing false tax … Read More

The Critical Importance of a Year-End Book Review

I trust this message finds you well as we approach the year’s end, and it’s ALWAYS a significant milestone for both personal reflection and business evaluation. Among the essential tasks that require your attention is a thorough review of your … Read More

November’s Real Estate Corner

What REALLY happens to close on a home?  “Closing” is that fine day on which the ownership of a house transfers from seller to buyer. Before that, a number of things have to happen:             1. Preparation: Once your offer … Read More

Unleash Your Inner Santa: Tax-Savvy Gifting for the Win!

Well, here we are, the end of November!  The sparkly lights, gingerbread lattes, and classic Hallmark moments are right around the corner, but this season isn’t just about decking the halls; it’s also the season of giving. And hey, while … Read More

The Scammers Keep Going         

 Imposter scams and online shopping top the Federal Trade Commission’s 2022 list of financial frauds.  A new August 2023 survey from GoBanking questioned more than 1,100 Americans aged 18 and older to find that huge numbers of people have been … Read More

Why “Now” is Better Than “Later” for Business Growth

If you’ve ever found yourself saying, “I’ll do it when the time is right,” let me be the one to break it to you—the ‘right time’ is a myth, like Bigfoot or fat-free donuts that actually taste good. Procrastination is … Read More

Stop Playing ‘Hide and Seek’ With Your FSA Funds: Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em!

Guess what? We’ve entered the season of holiday songs, cozy sweaters, and—wait for it—Flexible Spending Account (FSA) planning. Yep, you heard me right.  Amongst the jingles and twinkling lights, it’s easy to forget about those pesky FSA funds just sitting … Read More

Refinancing Student Loans                

It’s hard to get past that student loan bill every month. But should you refinance?             Financial experts are divided on the merits of refinancing. Notable financial gurus like Dave Ramsey emphasize a holistic approach to debt elimination, prioritizing budget … Read More

The Myth of “Taking It Easy” in Q4

Picture this: It’s the last quarter, the finish line is in sight, and you’re tempted to slow down.  After all, everybody else is taking it easy, folks are on vacation, “Thanksgiving” seems to last all week, and you can hear … Read More