1. Make money.
Use your talents, interests, and skills to get a job and keep working, even if you don’t work at the same place your whole life. Stay on the lookout for higher paying opportunities.
2. Save money.
Track your spending and make a budget. Carve out a savings goal and start early. If you start saving $1,000 a year at age 25, you could end up with five times what you’d have if you started at age 45.
Start saving as soon as you see it, but don’t wait. The earlier you start saving, the more promising your future.
-Make saving automatic. Just like bill paying.
-Ruthlessly cut your expenses and simplify your life.
-Don’t get loans for new cars.
-Get rid of credit card debt.
3. Invest money
Use your 401(k). You put in pretax dollars so it’s a great savings plan and passing up employer contributions is giving up free money. From there? Build a bigger plan and portfolio of stocks and bonds with a trusted professional advisor.